- The Official Oracle Cloud Infrastructure blog
- Richard Garsthagen’s Oracle Cloud Blog
- Vittorio Garbuglio’s Fastcloud Blog
- Combined 28 Oracle APAC Employees’s RedThunder blog
- Rodrigo Jorge (Infrastructure Principle/Sr Oracle DBA@Accenture) – Oracle Tips and Guides
- Martin Berger’s OCI and DB Blog
- Waslley Souza’s Blog about OCI, IOT, Deep Learning, mobile
- Cloud Computing Recipes -Hands-on recipes for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Google Cloud Platform
- That Finnish Guy on Cloud, Database and Automation
- Javier Muhueta’s blog (enterprise architect@Oracle) about OCI, mainly from a Developer / Container perspective
- Best Practices from Oracle Development’s A‑Team
- change_on_install … an oracle blog – by Borys Neselovskyi (OPITZ CONSULTING)
- Mythics Blog – Blog by the cloud experts at Mythics (Oracle Partner)
- Select All From MySQL – MySQL (often on OCI) blog from Andrew Grimo
- Hussain’s Oracle Administration Blog
- Alex’s Seriously pretty looking Cloudness blog with great info OCI
- Want to cook OCI / Terraform recipes, for sure check out Martin’s
- Oracle’s famous Principal Sales Consultant Guillermo’s
- The OCI Knowledge base by Ben Dali (Solutions Architect@Oracle)
- Pedro Moreno’s (Customer using the Oracle Cloud) Nikel in the Cloud Blog.
Youtube Channels:
- The official Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Channel
- Oracle Learning Library – OCI Foundation
- Oracle Learning Library – OCI Level 100 Training
- OC-Blog Youtube channel by Richard Garsthagen
- ORA Tube – Oracle Cloud PaaS [Unofficial] by John Greene
- [Unofficial] Oracle Cloud Fundamentals Training videos by Deepak Brahmbhatt
- Machine Learning with Oracle OCI by Jeroen Kloosterman
- Ramkumar Swaminathan’s OCI demo and training videos
- Vittorio’s FastCloud Channel with OCI Demo and instruction videos
- Todd’s channel recursivecodes with some great Howto OCI videos.