This file contains examples of PHP code to communicate with vSphere using the vSphere API. it contains the nusoap library files and a small vc_lib file. Examples include listing all VMs and showing performance stats.<br>
This file contains examples of PHP code to communicate with vSphere using the vSphere API. it contains the nusoap library files and a small vc_lib file. Examples include listing all VMs and showing performance stats.<br>
This is a ‘special’ edition of vAudit, that does not show any usernames. Incase you work in a country/company where you are not allowed to track actual users.
vAudit is a utility for VMware View environments (3.01 and 3.1). The tool will display when your users are logging in to their virtual machines and it can also display and unsuccessful login attempts. Version 1.5 includes the option to export the data to a comma seperated file.
This is a beta version of the new vAudit V2. It will properly log all View 5.x session, including client information like client type and ip address
VCplusVCplus is a program (windows service) that can add additional information into your VirtualCenter environment. Currently it can add Disk Usage within the VM, is snapshot is present and shapshot size and it can sync DNS name with display name
The tool was originally developed because of the way we manage IP addresses of our servers – every server (physical and virtual) is configured for DHCP and has a fixed reservation for its MAC address. So we require MAC addresses on our VMs that won’t change. I wrote this little app to make it easier… Read More »
This is a simple program to actually measure the actual performance within a VM. It uses the VI3 GuestSDK and shows a graph of the actual CPU usage (not what the VM thinks, but real world usage) and displays in text more information about memory and cpu usage.
A small utility that measures the time within a Virtual Machine and the time of the Host it is running on. It will report on any time differences between the two. Nice for testing and checking if the VM really knows what time it is and detect any ‘time drifting’
VMjuggler is an application I wrote to use during demonstrations. The program is quite simple, it connects to VirtualCenter 2.x and you can select a VM and 2 hosts. After selecting this you can start the juggler and the VM will be moves every 10 seconds between the hosts. The fun thing to do of… Read More »
This tools will allow you to read out all CPU information from all your ESX Servers by querying your VC server. It will show what features are available on your CPUs and if they are compatible to vmotion VMs and if FT is supported.
This is a simple utility to scan for VMware Servers (ESX, ESXi, VirtualCenter and VMware Server). It uses the VMware API to identify a VMware server and query the product name, version and build number.
Easy VMware Scanner in Python 3. Quickly scan your network for all VMware products connected to the network.